The Dysart Group is a higher education consulting firm specializing in enrollment management.  We offer advice and counsel regarding recruitment, financial aid, retention, pricing and revenue growth for colleges and universities.  Representatives of The Dysart Group have worked with more than 250 colleges and universities in more than 40 states.  We have established literally dozens of all-time, historical record, new student enrollments; have significantly improved academic quality and have been able to reduce institutional discount rates by as much as fifty percent.   Client institutions have included state universities, private colleges, proprietary schools, and a variety of special mission institutions including women’s colleges and historically black colleges and universities.

Great dinner with valued colleagues at the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Presidents Institute.

Recent News

Be Prepared for Expiration of Student Loan Payment Pause

by John W. Dysart | Jan 27, 2023 | 2023, Business Mgmt, FAFSA, Winter |Christian Academia Magazine The pandemic negatively impacted millions of people; yet, Government intervention mitigated some of the challenges. One of the ways the federal government reduced the economic impact was to pause the payments on … Continue reading

Navigating the Enrollment Cliff: There Are “No Silver Bullets”

Higher Ed CareersFriday, August 26, 2022 For years, experts have been projecting an enrollment cliff in higher education. As we begin the new academic year, HigherEdJobs spoke with enrollment experts at Emory & Henry College and Purdue University about their path to … Continue reading

Emory & Henry Shuffles Offices to Find More Student Housing

Bristol Herald Courier   EMORY — In preparation for the arrival of 450 new students, Emory & Henry College has relocated the Admissions and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) offices in order to turn workspace into student housing. This … Continue reading

Emory & Henry College Expects All-Time Record of Enrolled Students and All-Time Record Number of Students Residing on Campus

Administrative Offices that Once Served as Residence Halls are Now Back in Use for Student Housing   (Emory, VA) – Some staff members at Emory & Henry College in Emory, Virginia, are on the move to new office spaces, making room … Continue reading

Emory & Henry Projects Fall Enrollment Uptick

Johnson City Press EMORY, Va. — Some staff members at Emory & Henry College are on the move to new office spaces, making room for new students to call the college home this fall. With continued increase in enrollment after … Continue reading

Contact us

The Dysart Group

21 W. Chestnut Street, #1606
Chicago, IL 60610



I have collaborated with Dr. Scott Miller at three institutions over nearly 30 years where we established all-time record enrollments.

John Dysart receiving recognition

John W. Dysart, president of The Dysart Group, was recently recognized for ten years of support for the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). He was presented with a plaque at the Presidents Institute by the president of CIC, Dr. Richard Ekman.


John W. Dysart has been enrollment consultant to Saint Xavier University since 1998. Total enrollment has increased 53% over this period. Freshmen applications have nearly tripled, academic quality has improved, the residential student population has doubled, and there hav… Read more

Dr. Steve MurphyVice President for University AdvancementSaint Xavier UniversityChicago, IL

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